Friday, January 8, 2010

A Good Example

I have a daughter who is very complimentary of my workouts. She is often heard saying, "Run faster, Mama" or "Do more exercise!" She is even known to do walking lunges through a parking lot and show off her push-up expertise. This morning I received yet another confirmation that my lifestyle is rubbing off on her. As I was getting my morning internet fill, she appeared in front of me wearing my running gloves, hat, iPod, and various other running paraphernalia. She announced, "Look at me. I am dressing up as a pretend running mama". She proceeded to run laps around the house for a few minutes. Then she stopped and with a big smile on her face she said, "I am a good running mama!" I think she just made my day!


  1. What an amazing example you are setting for her! Those values will stick with her for the rest of her life!

  2. fantastic! I can just see her and my girls racing each other for first in their age group ... one day!

  3. Cute. My daughters love to be like their mommy.
