Monday, March 8, 2010

Ice Skating

Ever since Josie saw a little boy ice skating on a Nick Jr. 'commercial' in November, she has been asking me to take her ice skating. Although I had agreed to it, I really didn't think my 3-year-old would enjoy the event, so I have continually put it off. Then, a few weeks ago, out of the blue, a friend of ours invited us to go ice skating. I decided it was a sign and agreed that we would try it out. Results? I am so glad we went! Josie thought it was about the best thing that has ever happened to her and keeps begging to go back. And, even though my back and legs were sore for a few days from all of the bending to hold on to her and to pick her up when she fell, I had a wonderful time, too!

Getting ready to step onto the ice for the first time:
Moments into Josie's first trip around the rink - with a few of our friends:
Last trip around - Josie skating all by herself:


  1. That's awesome! B is JUST getting the hang of skating and can go about 3 - 5 yards w/o holding onto me. Love it!

  2. Those are such cute girls went ice skating for the first time this year and LOVED it!
