Saturday, July 11, 2009

When I Grow Up.....

Earlier this week, Josie and I were in the car, driving to meet some friends at the pool. Out of the blue she says to me, "Mommy, when I grow-up, I want to be a teacher." Now, keep in mind that this child has just turned three. Surprised at the 'adult' conversation I said, "That's great. Why do you want to be a teacher?" "So I can help kids learn things." (Really? My three-year-old is saying this?!?) The proud parent in me thought, well, clearly, my hard-work does not go unnoticed (since I AM a teacher!), so I respond, "Do you know anyone that is a teacher?" "" Oh. So I wait a moment and ask, "Well, what does mommy do for a job?" Her response was, "Your job is to be a mommy and my job is to be your baby". My heart melted. I now know, unmistakenly, (with meltdowns and all) that my job is to be her mommy, exclusively, at least for the next year and somehow my three-year-old knew that, possibly before I did. My cup runneth over.....

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